Valencia Fallas Festival
Valencia Fallas Festival in Spain is very well known because of its different festivities and traditions in the different villages and cities.
Valencia Fallas Festival
Valencia has a very special festivity held in March from the 1st of March until de 19th, it is called Fallas.
Fallas – Huge sculptures made with flammable materials (cardboard, wood, paper mache…) are raised in the squares and main street junctions of the city of Valencia.
When we celebrate Fallas?
Peculiar, satirical monument are made to be exhibited to the public for various days before being burnt on the eve of the Day of Saint Joseph 19th. Fallas – A special environment of festivy is lived in Valencia. Music bands, flowers processions and a lot of tourists meet together with locals to commemorate the beginning of a new season, the beginning of the spring.
One falla in each neighborhood
Each Falla plays in a different section and they win different prizes for the best falla, the most original, the most creative…and the we have the section of “ninot indultat” the “pardoned ninot”, one small sculpture is spared from the fire and it´s kept in the Fallas Museum to be shown in a permanent exhibition.
The Valencia Fallas is a mixture about fire, music, friendship and Mediterranean way of life. All the year around the different neighbors are getting and saving money to design and build a new Falla, that then the 19th will be burnt. But, hey! This is the way we celebrate it!
Fallas not only involve burning it the last day of the festivity, it´s all the year doing activities, performances, meeting, karaokes and agreeing with the designer, the topic….
Fallas 2015
Last Fallas 2015 we organized a special activity called “Fallas live” where you could feel what a local feels in a day: cooking your paella, going to a “mascletá” (special fireworks) and enjoy the afternoon in the “casal” (special place where locals meet during Fallas).
What to do during Fallas?
– Why not a paella show cooking? During your staying in Valencia, you can arrange a paella lesson in Valencia. It will be great to share some time visiting traditional Falles and then learning how to cook a traditional Valencian paella. You can choose which kind of paella you want to eat, meat or vegetables. Accompanied by an expert chef and local and licensed tour guide you and your family or friends will have a wonderful time!
– Other options could be visiting the Fallas Museum where we keep from the fire one sculpture per year. Before Fallas festival, we have a special game, where it´s “Falla” shows its best sculpture and the inhabitants of Valencia can vote for the best one. So the one which will win the game ti won´t be burnt in the fire the 19th and it will go to the Fallas Museum.
– Attend to the “Mascletà”. Each day, from the 1st March to the 19th March at 2pm in the Town Hall square you will have the chance to see how hundreds of “firecrackers” explode at the same time. 5 or 6min of vibrating time, where all the people is concentrated in the surrounding area of the square. Enjoy and feel the essence of the fire and powder in your veins!!
– Join to a shared walking tour about Fallas: Enjoy one morning or afternoon, and visit with us some Fallas of the special sectio. In a special shared wlaking tour you will discover the most important Fallas, its concept and meaning and purposes.
Morning or afternoon, you choose and you enjoy!!